Value Generators
Value Generators are one of the key components of the whole ecosystem. These units are responsible for generating values by the specified configuration - whether it's a random number within a given range or a list of complex nested objects.
There are already many generators predefined and ready to use in the base framework - like for numbers, dates, strings, arrays, objects and many more.
The recommended usage of Value Generators is within a static Schema Input, where you can declare such value.
Anyway, you can use the generator as a standalone class by directly invoking the constructor or by requesting the generator by name. To show you all the alternatives, for each generator, there are always all this three example usages shown.
Value Pipes
Another features related to the value generators are Value Pipes used to manipulate the generated value to meet the required format.
There are a set of predefined pipes you can use and you can use, you can also easily define and register your own when the predefined ones do not satisfy you fully.
Custom Value Generators
There are many reasons why to prepare your own generator, but usually it's because the value generation process might be too complex and too specific to achieve the desired values by your implementation rather than making hard-to-read schema.
Custom configuration
First thing to consider is to have prepared possible configuration for such generator. This configuration must extend the specified parent declaration looking like this:
interface ValueGeneratorConfig {
/** Pipes to be used for modifying the generated value */
pipes?: (ValuePipe | string)[];
/** Description of how the nulls should be treated */
nullability?: NullabilityConfiguration;
Defining Value Generator
Every value generator is basically an object with the basic method
get<R extends GeneratedValue>(context: FabricationContext) -> R
In other words, it generates a value of a specified type and optionally can process a given context. No big deal.
When you decide to use your custom configuration, you also should define your own constructor passing your configuration to the super class. It's the best practice to validate the given values to match rules of your generation logic, or to define the assumed default configuration values.
Register the Value generator
After you successfully pass through these steps, you can register your generator into the Falbricate ecosystem and use it in the declarative (schematic) manner.
Note the name must be unique within all the other Value Generators.
To show the whole example, let's have a look at Ratings generator.
Now, you can register this Value Generator into the ecosystem.
And the last step is to show how can this be used now!