Fabricator is an entity providing services of generating falsa objects by given schema. This servant maintains the whole Fabrication Pipeline.
The Fabricator is a class taking only the Schema Input as a parameter, compiles it into internal Schema representation
and provides the service of generating a single item (falsum) or multiple items (falsa) at once with its methods
and generateMany(n, context)
// Define the Schema Input consisting of a single field of `age`
// which is expected to be an integer in range of [15, 85]
const schema = {
fields: {
age: {
type: 'range-integer',
config: {
min: 15,
max: 85,
// Create fabricator
const fabricator = new Fabricator(schema);
// Generate 30 items
const falsa = fabricator.generateMany(30);
// Do something with generated objects
falsa.forEach((falsum) => console.log(JSON.stringify(falsum)));